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Toll Free: (877) 385-8624
Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic Response

Generator Scams

Solar scamOne of my clients contacted me and asked me to take a look at a generator deal that he thought sounded too good to be true. It was a solar powered generator for $1500 that promised to supply an "endless supply of electricity for free." When I checked the website I could see that the output was well under what a typical family might need during any type of outage. For example, a full day's maximum charge (assuming a sunny day) would power a small microwave for twelve minutes or a refrigerator for a couple of hours. In a doomsday scenario a little bit of electricity might prove to be better than nothing at all, but this "generator" was being hyped well beyond its capabilities.

Solar power, wind energy and other alternative fuels are definitely developing in their usefulness and worth keeping an awareness of. Unfortunately, scammers are busy taking advantage of the hope all of us have for cleaner, cheaper energy. If you are interested in finding the best back up power supply for your own budget, personal needs and peace of mind, we would be happy to discuss it with you.

Toll Free: (877-385-8624, Ph: (740) 385-8624 Fx: (740) 385-0024
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406 West 2nd Street
Logan, Ohio 43138

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